Publication Year 1994
Falk, K., O. Rotzschke, M. Takiguchi, B. Grahovac, V. Gnau, S. Stevanovic, G. Jung, and H. G. Rammensee. 1994. Peptide motifs of HLA-A1, -A11, -A31, and -A33 molecules. Immunogenetics
Falk, K., O. Rötzschke, S. Stevanovic, V. Gnau, K. Sparbier, G. Jung, H. G. Rammensee, and P. Walden. 1994. Analysis of a naturally occurring HLA class I-restricted viral epitope. Immunology
Falk, K., O. Rötzschke, S. Stevanovic, G. Jung, and H. G. Rammensee. 1994. Pool sequencing of natural HLA-DR, DQ, and DP ligands reveals detailed peptide motifs, constraints of processing, and general rules. Immunogenetics
Maier, R., K. Falk, O. Rotzschke, B. Maier, V. Gnau, S. Stevanovic, G. Jung, H. G. Rammensee, and A. Meyerhans. 1994. Peptide motifs of HLA-A3, -A24, and -B7 molecules as determined by pool sequencing. Immunogenetics
Malcherek, G., V. Gnau, S. Stevanovic, H. G. Rammensee, C. Jung, and A. Melms. 1994. Analysis of allele-specific contact sites of natural HLA- DR17 ligands. J Immunol
Rammensee, H.-G. 1994. Wie das Immunsystem das Innere von Zellen kontrolliert. Robert Koch Mitt.
Rammensee, H.-G. 1994. How the quest to identify minor histocompatibility antigens led to something more important. Behring Inst. Mitt.
Rammensee, H.-G. and J. Monaco. 1994. Peptimmunology. Curr. Opin. Immunol.
Rötzschke, O., K. Falk, S. Stevanovic, V. Gnau, G. Jung, and H.-G. Rammensee. 1994. Dominant aromatic/aliphatic C-terminal anchor in HLA-B*2702 and B*2705 peptide motifs. Immunogenetics
Staege, M. S., T. Dick, R. Ertl, U. Jahnel, H. Nawrath, H.-G. Rammensee, and A. B. Reske-Kunz. 1994. The antigen self-presentation function of the cytotoxic T-cell clone 10BK.1 depends on reciprocal peptide presentation. Immunology
Stevanovic, S. and H.-G. Rammensee. 1994. Novel strategies for vaccination and perspectives for immune intervention. Behring Inst. Mitt.
Vogt, A. B., H. Kropshofer, H. Kalbacher, M. Kalbus, H. G. Rammensee, J.
E. Coligan, and R. Martin. 1994.
Ligand motifs of HLA-DRB5*0101 and DRB1*1501
molecules delineated from self-peptides.
J Immunol
Wölfel, T., J. Schneider, K.-H. Meyer zum Büschenfelde, H.-G.
Rammensee, O. Rotzschke, and K. Falk. 1994.
Isolation of Naturally Processed
Peptides Recognized by Cytolytic T Lymphocytes (CTL) on Human Melanoma Cells
in Association with HLA-A2.1.
Int. J. Cancer
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